


符合 RCW 40.14在美国,该学院保存着公共记录. 该系统提供了系统的识别 and disposal of obsolete records; transfer of historically valuable records to the department of archives; removal of non-current records from active storage, protection and backup of records essential to the college’s authority and operation; disaster preparedness; insurance of record systems integrity and accessibility; and effective 遵守公开披露规定. 董事会代表总裁 or designee the responsibility to appoint a public 记录官 who shall administer the process of coordinating the retention of public records in compliance with state 法律及校规.




A. 目的

的 purpose of this chapter is to ensure that 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College complies with RCW第42条的规定.特别是该章的这些章节 处理公共记录.

B. 定义

公共记录包括包含与该行为有关的信息的任何书面记录 of government or the performance of any governmental or proprietary function prepared, owned, used or retained by any state or local agency regardless of physical form or 特征.

写作是指手写、打字、打印、照相、照相等 every other means of recording any form of communication or representation, including letters, words, pictures, sounds or symbols, combination thereof and all papers, maps, 磁性或纸带、照相胶片和印刷品、磁性或穿孔卡片; 磁盘、鼓和其他文件.

皇冠8868会员登录山谷学院是根据RCW 28B法规组织的机构.50.040. 韦纳芝谷学院以下简称“区”.“在适当情况下, “地区”一词也指该地区的职员和雇员.

C. 皇冠8868会员登录山谷大学区中央组织和野外组织描述 NO. 15

  1. 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College is a state agency established and organized under the authority RCW 28B.的教育目标 立法机关在RCW 28B.50.020. 区行政办公室在此 在华盛顿州奇兰县的大学校园里. 大学校园 同样,它还包括该地区所有行动的中央总部.
    该地区在保管委员会的监督和控制下运作. 校董会由五名理事组成,由监事任命. 董事会 理事会通常每月至少开会一次. 董事会雇用 校长、行政人员、教官和其他雇员. 董事会 trustees takes such actions and promulgates such rules, and policies in harmony with 由州委员会为社区和技术学院制定的规则,如 是地区行政及运作所必需的吗.
    的 president of the district is responsible to the board of trustees for the operation 以及该地区的行政管理.

D. 操作和程序

正式的决策程序是由董事会通过 按照第三十四章的要求颁布的规则.05 RCW,行政 程序条例.

E. 公开档案

All public records of the district, as defined in this chapter, are deemed to be available for public inspection and 复制 pursuant to these rules, except as otherwise provided 作者:RCW 42.17.310或其他法规.

F. 档案主任

地区的公共记录由公共记录官负责 由地区行政长官指定. 公共记录 官员应负责执行地区有关之规则 release of public records, coordinating district employees in this regard, and generally ensuring compliance by district employees with the public records disclosure requirements 在第四十二章.17 RCW.

G. 办公时间

在惯例期间,应提供公共记录供查阅和复制 该区办公时间. 就本章而言,指惯常的办公时间 从早上9点开始.m. 至中午及下午一时起.m. 至下午5时.m.,星期一至星期五; 法定节假日、学院规定的节假日或休学日除外 日历或根据学院校长的命令.

H. 索取公共纪录

Requests for public records shall be made at the administrative office of the district 在皇冠8868会员登录山谷学院,1300第五圣皇冠8868会员登录WA 98801. 根据 RCW 42的要求.17.290,机构防止不合理的隐私侵犯, protect public records from damage or disorganization, and prevent excessive interference 由于该机构的基本职能,公共记录可由 the public only when those members of the public comply with the following procedures:

  1. A request shall be made in writing upon a form prescribed by the district which shall 请到地区行政办公室联系. 该表格应提交给 向公共记录主任查询,如公共记录主任不在,可向 any member of the district's staff at the district administrative office during customary 办公时间. 请求应包括下列资料:
    1. 请求记录的人的姓名;
    2. 提出要求的时间和日历日期;
    3. 要求的性质;
    4. 所请求的信息是否在当前索引中被引用 公共记录官,对所要求的记录进行描述的参考 在这样的当前指数中;
    5. 如果所请求的信息不能通过引用当前索引来识别, 对所要求记录的适当说明.
  2. 在任何公众人士提出要求的情况下,该要求须为 公共记录主任或向其提出要求的人的责任 assist the member of the public in succinctly identifying the public record requested.
  3. 如果请求的是员工人事档案中的文件,那么该员工将被请求 在48小时内通知,员工将享有RCW 42规定的权利.17.330 to 命令行动.

I. 复制

查阅公共档案不收取任何费用. 该地区可以强制 提供公共纪录副本及供任何人使用的合理收费 机构设备人员复制公共记录的费用不得超过 the amount necessary to reimburse the district for its actual costs incident to such 复制. 任何人不得获得如此复制的记录,除非该人 requesting the copied public record has tendered payment for such 复制 to the appropriate 地方官员. 所有费用必须以汇票、本票或现金支付 提前.

J. 关于豁免记录的决定

  1. 的 district reserves the right to determine that a public record requested in accordance with the procedures outlined in section H above, is exempt pursuant to the provisions 见RCW 42.17.310或其他法规. 该等决定可经协商作出 with the public 记录官, president of the college district, or an assistant 指派给这个地区的司法部长.
  2. 根据RCW第42条.17.学区保留删除识别资料的权利 when it makes available or publishes any public record and there is reason to believe that disclosure of such details would be an unreasonable invasion of personal privacy or impair a vital governmental interest: Provided, however, in each case, the justification 删减的,应当以书面充分说明.
  3. 对索取公开记录的要求,必须迅速作出回应. 就…而言 如果学院在5个工作日内, :
    1. 提供记录;
    2. 确认收到请求并提供合理的时间估计 the college will require to respond to the request; or
    3. 拒绝请求.
  4. All denials of request for public records must be accompanied by a written statement, signed by the public 记录官 or designee, specifying the reason for the denial, a statement of the specific exemption authorizing the withholding of the record and 简要说明豁免如何适用于扣留的公共记录.

K. 对拒绝公开记录请求的审查

  1. 任何人对索取公开记录的要求被拒绝有异议,可提出请愿 通过提交书面审查请求,迅速对该决定进行审查. 的 书面请求书应当具体指构成请求书的书面声明 或者伴随着否认.
  2. 的 written request by a person demanding prompt review of a decision denying a public record shall be submitted to the president of the district or the president’s designee.
  3. Within two business days after receiving the written request by a person petitioning for a prompt review of a decision denying a public record, the president or designee, 应完成该等审查.
  4. During the course of the review the president or designee shall consider the obligations 符合第42章的意图.17 RCW,只要它需要 providing full public access to official records, but shall also consider the exemptions 在RCW 42中提供.17.第310条或其他有关法规,以及该法规的规定 which require the district to protect public records from damage or disorganization, 防止对机构基本职能的过度干涉,并防止 任何不合理地侵犯个人隐私,删除身份信息.

L. 公众纪录的保障

公众将提供公共记录和供查阅的设施 记录官. 该记录不得移出指定的地方. 副本 可根据上文第I节的规定安排上述记录的数目.

M. 记录索引

  1. 的 district has available for the use of all persons a current index which provides identifying information as to the following records issued, adopted, or promulgated 在2001年3月14日之后由该地区:
    1. Final opinions, including concurring and dissenting opinions, as well as orders, made 在审判案件中;
    2. Those statements of policy and interpretations of policy, statute and the constitution 已被机构采纳的;
    3. 管理人员手册和对员工的指示对员工有影响 公众的;
    4. 规划政策和目标,以及中期和最终规划决策;
    5. Factual staff reports and studies, factual consultant's reports and studies, scientific reports and studies, and any other factual information derived from tests, studies, reports or surveys, whether conducted by public employees or others; and
    6. 由有关的机构和与之有关的机构所作的通信和其中提到的材料 to any regulatory, supervisory or enforcement responsibilities of the agency, whereby 该机构决定或提出意见,或被要求决定或提出意见 rights of the state, the public, a subdivision of state government, or of any private 聚会,派对.
  2. 的 current index maintained by the district shall be available to all persons under the same rules and on the same conditions as are applied to public records available 检查.

N. 采用表格

的 district shall adopt an appropriate form for use by all persons requesting inspection 和/或其记录的复制或副本.

